When I was younger, I really struggled with what I wanted to be when I grew up. I thought about being a veterinarian, but I didn’t want to put dogs down. I decided on chiropractic school because my chiropractor growing up literally changed my life. He gave me the gift of pain relief and the gift of movement. I wasn’t just another appointment when I saw him. He knew about my family, our dogs, our favorite sports teams, and recent events in our lives. I wanted to be that kind of person for others.
I decided to apply to Logan College of Chiropractic in St. Louis, MO for Graduate School. Logan had a concurrent Master’s program in Sports Science and Rehabilitation, and if chosen, I could work with the Division 1 athletes at University of Missouri. I applied. I waited. I got in! I learned as much as I could, worked with as many athletes as I could including the Mizzou athletes, crushed my boards, got my doctorate and my master’s.
I was now a Doctor of Chiropractic!

I work hard towards becoming a great doctor every day. I believe the difference between a good doctor and a great doctor is that a great doctor recognizes that learning doesn’t stop just because you have a degree. Since graduation, I obtained my Certified Chiropractic Sports Practitioner certification. (Only seven other chiropractors in our state, and one other in Fargo, have these credentials!) In addition to my Sports Practitioner certification, I finished a 100-hour program to become certified in acupuncture. I became a certified L-2 CrossFit trainer. I attended and continue to attend seminars for the best soft tissue and rehab work available. I am currently working toward a diplomate in orthopedics. I strive to constantly be learning.

I also believe a great doctor cares what YOUR goals are. A great doctor takes the time to listen to you and all your concerns. My office is not high volume, and it never will be for very intentional reasons. I want to take the time to listen to you at every visit and assess your progress. I don’t believe in cookie-cutter care plans or a one-size-fits-all approach. You are a unique individual, and you deserve a provider who understands you and your life.

I believe that if a provider tells you that you won't ever do a movement again, they are revealing their limitations and not yours. I believe that we were made to move. I believe in the power of functional training. I believe in active and not passive care. If my patient is actively investing in their recovery, I believe I can help most clients in less than eight visits. I believe in coordination of care with the medical community, and if I can’t help you, I will find you someone who can. I believe in giving my patients as many tools as possible to stay out of my office, and the knowledge to know when it is time to come see me.
My passion is helping you move better, feel better, and live better.